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Just managed to beat this game despite it's difficulty and the lack of notice for the power and angle of the jump that I can make for the Takodachi. - July 20th, 2024/11:47pm

Some visual feedback to see what the current power and angle are would help a lot.

Got stuck on the second level, probably because I'm just bad at aiming my jumps haha.

Overall nice work. I hope you add some audio later to complete the experience. :)

Very fun!

Challenging but fun! The mechanics were a bit hard to grasp in the beginning (I feel like the tutorials would have been better as text, rather than images), but fun to master. I liked that you could use the slow motion to line yourself up with a platform, then cancel the momentum. I'm curious if that was the intended solution for certain sections, as it seems difficult to get past them without (in which case I would teach the mechanic more explicitly).

The tutorial probably would've been better with text, yeah. I don't know why I was trying so hard to avoid using it. Momentum cancelling helps a lot with some sections, and I definitely should've taught it somewhere. Stuff to consider after the review period!

Very nice!